Friday, April 5, 2013

chapter 10 blog post

1. I think that if Gore won the popular vote, which he did, then he should have been the President. Though he did not get the Presidency Bush did. There was the whole deal with Florida and the votes but I think that they should have left it alone.

2. I don't necessarily think that fundraising is too important in elections but they do need the fundraising. If the candidates didn't have fundraising they would have a hard time finding ways to pay for their campaigns and people would not know who they wanted to vote for. Yes I think that some candidates would or could be good ones and could not come up with the needed money to campaign like they need to. Maybe they could get sponsors or something  like that. I think that could be a possible solution.

3. I think that most young people now are not really that interested in politics or in voting. I guess they think that it doesn't really matter whether they vote or not the president will still get elected no matter what. Maybe if there was some way to get the younger generation more interested in politics then they would be more likely to vote. Show them that their votes and voices actually count for something and that they aren't just another ballot in the box.

I commented on Brandi Lively,  Jessica Tucker, and Albert Munoz


  1. I think that, for young people, voting is not something that is taken with the actual gravity that it holds. It seems like something else you get to do as an adult, if you want to. But many young people also see the corruption and lies throughout the government and become disheartened due to it. you're correct that they do feel as though a little vote would really matter, but there is hope that younger people are starting to pay a little more attention to the political world around them.

  2. I agree with you I don’t think that most young people are really interested in politics. I consider myself in this category because I’ve only been able to vote now for two years going on three but I also believe that people don’t vote because they don’t think their vote matters. I think that showing the younger generations that they actually have a voice would help because I think many people old and young believe that they are just another ballot in the box and that we don’t really matter.
