Friday, May 3, 2013

chapter 14 blog post

1.I picked Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I found that her background was interesting because she is obviously a very smart woman and has done a lot of schooling. She was a big help on the Reed vs. Reed case and has won five of six cases on gender equality. She consistently supports abortion rights, she remarked that the decision of Roe vs Wade may have been improperly decided. I do not agree with her support of abortion rights and that Roe vs Wade was improperly decided.

2. I would say that it depends on the situation as to whether judicial review gets used or not. If it needs to be used to keep within constitutional guidelines then I would say that by all means use it. I am a firm believer in upholding the constitution and going by what it says. It was set up for the people by the people and needs to be followed for the good of the country.

3. This is a trick question in that yes I think that the strict constitution should be upheld but at the same time as much as the times have changed there may need to be things that are changed at times. There have always been things added to the Constitution and I am sure that there still will be if it is necessary for the people. Also in some cases the strict Constitution may not be exactly accurate either so changes may need to be made or it may not completely apply to certain things either.

I wrote on melissa ray, shannon chambers, and jessica armes

Friday, April 19, 2013

chapter 12 blog post

1. I think that it is not the party that the candidate is running for it is the candidate themselves and what they stand for. What makes a great leader in my opinion is when they say they are going to do something they back it up. They truly love their Country and the people who live here. They are not corrupt nor do they try to sneak around and lie to the public.

2. Franklin D Roosevelt was the 32nd president and the only one to serve four terms. He worked extremely hard to end the Great Depression and created the New deal. Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the United States and he almost doubled the size of the U.S with the Louisiana Purchase and consolidated power in the federal government when it was necessary.

3. Andrew Jackson's being elected was considered the rise of a common man to office. He was the one man that decided to move on the Native Americans and the Trail of Tears. He also had a strong fight against the national bank.

I commented on Ashley Pelfrey,  and gabrielle miller blogs.

Friday, April 5, 2013

chapter 10 blog post

1. I think that if Gore won the popular vote, which he did, then he should have been the President. Though he did not get the Presidency Bush did. There was the whole deal with Florida and the votes but I think that they should have left it alone.

2. I don't necessarily think that fundraising is too important in elections but they do need the fundraising. If the candidates didn't have fundraising they would have a hard time finding ways to pay for their campaigns and people would not know who they wanted to vote for. Yes I think that some candidates would or could be good ones and could not come up with the needed money to campaign like they need to. Maybe they could get sponsors or something  like that. I think that could be a possible solution.

3. I think that most young people now are not really that interested in politics or in voting. I guess they think that it doesn't really matter whether they vote or not the president will still get elected no matter what. Maybe if there was some way to get the younger generation more interested in politics then they would be more likely to vote. Show them that their votes and voices actually count for something and that they aren't just another ballot in the box.

I commented on Brandi Lively,  Jessica Tucker, and Albert Munoz

Friday, March 29, 2013

blog post chapter 9

1. Honestly there isn't a party that I identify with most. I don't really do much with politics I haven't ever really paid much attention to what each parties views or what they believe. I generally just vote for who ever I think is the best candidate and for which ever one has the best ideas. Not really that familiar with the party platform either so not sure whether or not I agree or disagree with things that are in it.

2. I dont think that we need political parties but that is just my opinion. People are very dependent on political parties and people get very heated about which party they are for and what they stand for. So in that no I do not think that we could not operate without political parties today like we could have then.

3. I would say the Constitution Party because it seems to have most of the same beliefs that I have. I may not be extremely religious but I do think that a lot of what they believe in is the same as I do. They have strict views on certain things and want to reduce taxes, spending and regulation.

posted on Ashley Pelfrey, Gabrielle Miller, Jessica Tucker

Friday, March 1, 2013

Chapter 6 blog post

1. I think that the media may be too dependent on polls. I understand that polls are important to some aspects but not to everything. It can be appropriate for the media to create their own polls i suppose but I think it would be better if they were reporting on a poll that someone else created and then reported the findings that way instead of one of their own. Sometime they have polls for things that are kind of silly and do not make much since but other times they can be very helpful.

2. It honestly does not matter to me I do not really see myself a part of a particular party whether it be Democratic republican or even libertarian. It seems to be more important to my parents and when my grandparents were alive it seemed even more important to them. As far as my friends go it just depends on the person and the age it seems of that person to how much it matters to them.

3. I feel that my opinion on politics is more influenced by economic issues that social issues even though they are influenced by both somewhat. Issues that come up and that we hear about on a day to day basis is a big influence on my opinion of politics and who I think is good for our government and who isn't.

I commented on Chelsea dunns, Jessica Armes, Rachel Bunch's blogs.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chapter 5 Blog Post 

1. In some areas I think they do not do enough against racial discrimination. While we have come a long way in the fight against racial discrimination but it is still not where it should be. Every one of a different race than white had been discriminated against one way or another. Blacks were the ones that got the worst of it but Asians and Native Americans got a lot of discrimination also. The government could do a little more against racial discrimination because even now we have discrimination against Arabic people especially after 9/11. People, all people no matter what race, should be be treated truly equal .

2. Women have a lot more rights than we used to but women still get discriminated against pretty often as well. Even though there are laws in place against sexual harassment and getting less pay than men. Women still get harassed in the work place a lot more than should be happening. Also a lot of men get higher wages for the same jobs and takes a lot more time to get raises or promotions.

3. I think the government definitely does not do enough in the case of sexual orientation. I think that no matter your sexual orientation you should not be judged as a person because of it. It should not matter, except in very few instances, the sexual orientation of a person on whether or not someone gets a job, better pay, or a promotion.

I commented on Gabrielle Millers, Jessica Tucker, and Melissa Ray's blogs

Friday, February 15, 2013

I commented on Brandi Lively's, Mackenzie Kings, and Amanda Strange's blogs this week.