Friday, May 3, 2013

chapter 14 blog post

1.I picked Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I found that her background was interesting because she is obviously a very smart woman and has done a lot of schooling. She was a big help on the Reed vs. Reed case and has won five of six cases on gender equality. She consistently supports abortion rights, she remarked that the decision of Roe vs Wade may have been improperly decided. I do not agree with her support of abortion rights and that Roe vs Wade was improperly decided.

2. I would say that it depends on the situation as to whether judicial review gets used or not. If it needs to be used to keep within constitutional guidelines then I would say that by all means use it. I am a firm believer in upholding the constitution and going by what it says. It was set up for the people by the people and needs to be followed for the good of the country.

3. This is a trick question in that yes I think that the strict constitution should be upheld but at the same time as much as the times have changed there may need to be things that are changed at times. There have always been things added to the Constitution and I am sure that there still will be if it is necessary for the people. Also in some cases the strict Constitution may not be exactly accurate either so changes may need to be made or it may not completely apply to certain things either.

I wrote on melissa ray, shannon chambers, and jessica armes


  1. I agree with you I think it depends on the situation also. I am also a firm believer in upholding the constitution. If we didn’t have the constitution could you imagine how our country would be these days? I think we would be a mess. The constitution was made for us by us why wouldn’t we want to follow it?

  2. I also chose Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg! She was a very interesting woman that I found to be admirable and intriguing. Her passion for women's rights and motivation as a student to go through all the schooling and make it to the top after such a rough childhood was great. I also agree with your thoughts on Judicial review and the constitution. Those are both important topics that are both taken seriously and handled with care in this nation.
