Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I commented on Ashley Pelfrey, Gabby Miller, and Albert Munoz
1.     Unlike the Articles of Confederation the Constitution could act directly on the citizens. Two powers were missing from the Articles that were included in the Constitution the tax and commerce powers which gave the authority to tax to provide for the general welfare and to regulate commerce among the states and with foreign nations. I think the Constitution is stronger because it has the three branches of government and the Bill of Rights.It also has Federalism, Separation of Powers,and Checks and Balances not counting Limits on Powers which delegates the powers to Congress. Each individual state would have the right to wage war against one another, form their own individual alliances, and conclude peace with one another and also  foreign affairs. Congress did not have the authority to regulate commerce or operate directly over the citizens as they do today.
 2.  For one I learned that the House of Representative members are chosen every second year and cannot be under the age of 25 years old.Also, they must have been a citizen of the U.S.for at least 7 years. The Senate is composed of two Senators from each state for six years and each have one vote a piece. The Vice President of the U.S. is President of the Senate. No Senator, Representative or a person holding a office of trust or profit under the U.S. can be appointed an elector. The President has to be at least thirty-five years old and have been a citizen for 14 years.  Cases of impeachment do not have a jury.The supreme court has power over cases affecting Ambassadors, Ministers, and Consuls.
3. The Supreme court established the judicial review because of this case. Judicial review grants authority to the Court to strike down any law passes by Congress if the Court believes the law violates the Constitution.It is not granted explicitly by the Constitution but has been unchallenged since Marbury vs. Madison.
4. I think Anti-Federalist because national law is supreme over state law in our government today. It does seem that Congress can use just about anything to get laws they want passed. There do seem to be no limits and  also seems to have limitless power as well.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

M name is Amber Waters and I am twenty-four years old I have been married for five years as of March the first. I have a beautiful and smart ten month old daughter who is about to be a year old in February. My major is an Allied Health Science; Health Information Technology. I do not know a lot about politics so I hope to gain a better understanding about our government and how it works better than what I know now. My career plans are to have a job in a hospital or medical office after I finish getting my degree.