Sunday, January 20, 2013

M name is Amber Waters and I am twenty-four years old I have been married for five years as of March the first. I have a beautiful and smart ten month old daughter who is about to be a year old in February. My major is an Allied Health Science; Health Information Technology. I do not know a lot about politics so I hope to gain a better understanding about our government and how it works better than what I know now. My career plans are to have a job in a hospital or medical office after I finish getting my degree.


  1. Hi my name is Ashley Pelfrey. I don't understand politics much either, so I hope this class helps me with that too. Nice to meet you.

  2. Hi Amber, Im Gabby! Congratulations on the anniversary coming up! That must be exciting. I agree with you about politics. They are confusing and becoming a much hotter topic these days. Well good luck with your field of study.

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