Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chapter 5 Blog Post 

1. In some areas I think they do not do enough against racial discrimination. While we have come a long way in the fight against racial discrimination but it is still not where it should be. Every one of a different race than white had been discriminated against one way or another. Blacks were the ones that got the worst of it but Asians and Native Americans got a lot of discrimination also. The government could do a little more against racial discrimination because even now we have discrimination against Arabic people especially after 9/11. People, all people no matter what race, should be be treated truly equal .

2. Women have a lot more rights than we used to but women still get discriminated against pretty often as well. Even though there are laws in place against sexual harassment and getting less pay than men. Women still get harassed in the work place a lot more than should be happening. Also a lot of men get higher wages for the same jobs and takes a lot more time to get raises or promotions.

3. I think the government definitely does not do enough in the case of sexual orientation. I think that no matter your sexual orientation you should not be judged as a person because of it. It should not matter, except in very few instances, the sexual orientation of a person on whether or not someone gets a job, better pay, or a promotion.

I commented on Gabrielle Millers, Jessica Tucker, and Melissa Ray's blogs

Friday, February 15, 2013

I commented on Brandi Lively's, Mackenzie Kings, and Amanda Strange's blogs this week.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Chapter 4 Blog post

1. I think that freedom of speech is very important. If we could say how we felt about things then nothing would ever get changed or no one would know what is important to the people. For the most part freedom of speech does not go to far but there are always those times and those individuals who take it to far. I think this is depending on the person and the situation. I think that if someone says something that hurts someone else and action can be taken against them, like when someone is bullying someone whether face to face or cyber bullying, then it should be known or in criminal trials.

2. I do not think some aspects of separation of church and state are necessary. I think that students should be allowed to pray in school and at their games. However, I do not think that the nation should be allowed to have one church that is the nations official church. We have a freedom of religion so that every individual has the right to believe as they see fit.

3. Yes I think that a defendant should have equal rights to anyone else. We would be taking away someones right to have an attorney especially when they cannot afford one and could also make self incrimination allowed as well. I do not think that defendants have to many rights. If it were me or you in their place we would want to have all of those same rights ourselves. Whether it be something small or something major you are being tried for.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

I commented on Albert Munoz, Chelsea Dunn and
Melissa ray blogs this week.

Monday, February 4, 2013

chapter 3 blog post

1. I think that we should a strong national government because the government keeps all the states united together as one front and keeps control of everything that the states could not if they each had equal power

2. He cut back on categorical grants and replaced them with block grants that would allow the states to spend the money given to them by congress in broader areas than the categorical grants would allow. He also eliminated general revenue sharing. It gave the states more ways to spend the money required that was given to them so yes I think it was appropriate.

3. I think it is a matter best left to state and local governments, they can look closely at what is needed state wide or in their local area. It would be harder for national government to regulate it well and some could be suffering while others be be doing well.