Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Chapter 4 Blog post

1. I think that freedom of speech is very important. If we could say how we felt about things then nothing would ever get changed or no one would know what is important to the people. For the most part freedom of speech does not go to far but there are always those times and those individuals who take it to far. I think this is depending on the person and the situation. I think that if someone says something that hurts someone else and action can be taken against them, like when someone is bullying someone whether face to face or cyber bullying, then it should be known or in criminal trials.

2. I do not think some aspects of separation of church and state are necessary. I think that students should be allowed to pray in school and at their games. However, I do not think that the nation should be allowed to have one church that is the nations official church. We have a freedom of religion so that every individual has the right to believe as they see fit.

3. Yes I think that a defendant should have equal rights to anyone else. We would be taking away someones right to have an attorney especially when they cannot afford one and could also make self incrimination allowed as well. I do not think that defendants have to many rights. If it were me or you in their place we would want to have all of those same rights ourselves. Whether it be something small or something major you are being tried for.


  1. I agree with you that freedom of speech is very important. If we could not state our opinion, the government would run all over us. You are right that some people do take their freedom of speech too far and action should be taken on those people that do decide to take their freedom of speech too far or for granted. People do not realize how lucky we are to have freedom of speech.

  2. I would just like to point out that children still have the right to pray at school, silently. It is jsut illegal to have school led or required prayers. I am a christian, one who was an active member of Prayers in Schools as a teenager. I knelt daily at my locker and prayed, it was never a problem. It is a very common misconception though.

  3. I disagree. Separation of church and state is a very important aspect of our country. When the government gets too involved in our religion trying to force to believe certain things, thats when rebellious activity takes place. Our freedom in religion is personal and important to every individual.

  4. I completely agree with you. As I said in my post, we should include chuch and state as long as one religion isn't favored over another. I blieve that it's good to allow religion in everything (and not just because I'm a Christian), we ARE "one nation under God".

  5. I also think that Freeddom of Speech is very important, because it allows us to voice are opinion on many different aspects of our life. But I dont agree with you, that id you say something hurtful to someone, that it should lead you to a court trial. I f that was the case, then most of your children in schools, would be arrested

  6. Miss Amber, I totally agree with you on defendant's rights. I think it is important that those rights are available and enforced. It's been proven that many people have been imprisoned that were innocent, and it was realized years later. How do you get those years back that were lost? You don't! SO, I truly believe that defendants should have and exercise all rights that they have, ESPECIALLY if they know they are innocent.

  7. I agree that students should be allowed to pray in school if they feel the need to and at ball games. If the others don't feel like they want to take part in the prayer then that should be left up to them.

  8. I agree that the freedom of speech is important. You brought up a good point that we would never be able to change anything if we could not express our opinions. I also agree that if someone abusing the freedom and being malicious that there should be laws against those acts.

  9. I agree that a defendant should have equal rights just like anyone else. I think everyone should have the opportunity to have an attorney because many people don’t have the money to pay for an attorney on their own so at least having someone appointed to them gives them some of a chance to prove their innocence.
