Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chapter 5 Blog Post 

1. In some areas I think they do not do enough against racial discrimination. While we have come a long way in the fight against racial discrimination but it is still not where it should be. Every one of a different race than white had been discriminated against one way or another. Blacks were the ones that got the worst of it but Asians and Native Americans got a lot of discrimination also. The government could do a little more against racial discrimination because even now we have discrimination against Arabic people especially after 9/11. People, all people no matter what race, should be be treated truly equal .

2. Women have a lot more rights than we used to but women still get discriminated against pretty often as well. Even though there are laws in place against sexual harassment and getting less pay than men. Women still get harassed in the work place a lot more than should be happening. Also a lot of men get higher wages for the same jobs and takes a lot more time to get raises or promotions.

3. I think the government definitely does not do enough in the case of sexual orientation. I think that no matter your sexual orientation you should not be judged as a person because of it. It should not matter, except in very few instances, the sexual orientation of a person on whether or not someone gets a job, better pay, or a promotion.

I commented on Gabrielle Millers, Jessica Tucker, and Melissa Ray's blogs


  1. Miss Amber, I agree with you on the sexual orientation issue. I think the government should pass a law allowing people to marry and be with who they want to be with in their pursuit of happiness. I think they should make states recognize these marriages just as the marriage of a man and woman is recognized throughout the United States. In many ways, I don't feel this should have ever been a government intervened issue. I think people should have the freedom to be who they want to be and be with who makes them happy. I think there will be more government intervention in this issue with giving them their rights like everyone else has before it's all said and done. I would support that decision.

  2. I agree with you about the women do have more rights now, but women and even men still get discriminated. It seems like women still do not get paid as much as men in the same occupation, even though an Equal Pay Act was passed. It seems like men get discriminated more in court and they also can get pulled into a draft. Most of the time it seems like women are excused for things they have done wrong in court. Also women (most of the time) are said to be the caretakers of the household and men are the workers of the household.

  3. I definitely agree with you that we have come a long way in both racial and gender discrimination. And we do need to do a lot more to include freedom for those with a sexual orientation other than heterosexual. Blacks did have it badly, but I think the mistreatment of Native Americans and Asians (for a time) had it as bad or worse. Even today, Native Americans have little place in everyday society, and a lot more should be done about that. There should be equality across the board for all U.S. citizens, without special treatment for anyone when it comes to opportunities for success and happiness.

  4. I don't know if I can wholly agree that the September eleventh discrimination was completely for not, but it does seem unfair. It was a horrid tragedy almost to the point that it warranted wartime reactions and was thus more acceptable at the time. I do agree that discrimination is not totally eradicated, and I do think that the change starts with us. I judge by a person's merit and rarely by anything else.

  5. I don't think there is much that the government can do when it comes to sexual orientation. Does the government can't really set guidelines for things that happen in private. When it comes to if it should be a law to marry the same sex, I believe that it should be up to the states. To me, this isn't a government issue. It is a personal issue that should be left out of the government, like separation of church and state. To each his own. I do not believe it is right, under any circumstances, to judge or be mean to someone because they are different than you.

  6. I completly agree with you, all races should be treated equally. And I to agree with you that after 9/11, Arabic people have gotten a very bad rap from society. I also agree with you on sexual orientation. There should not be a "stonger sex", we should all have the same rights. And I also agree with you that women still have to deal with allot of sexual harassment. And I do believe that there is still allot of women getting turned down for jobs that they are well qualified for, because they are a woman.

  7. I totally agree with you that all races should be created equally. I don't look st skin color when I am talking to someone, although alot of people still do discriminate againist people of a different race but at least now they can get the same job as a white person. I also agree with you that after 9/11 Arabic people have gotten a bad reputation. I also agree that some women still have to deal with sexual harrassment in the work place but thats when you go to a person above them and report it.
