Monday, February 4, 2013

chapter 3 blog post

1. I think that we should a strong national government because the government keeps all the states united together as one front and keeps control of everything that the states could not if they each had equal power

2. He cut back on categorical grants and replaced them with block grants that would allow the states to spend the money given to them by congress in broader areas than the categorical grants would allow. He also eliminated general revenue sharing. It gave the states more ways to spend the money required that was given to them so yes I think it was appropriate.

3. I think it is a matter best left to state and local governments, they can look closely at what is needed state wide or in their local area. It would be harder for national government to regulate it well and some could be suffering while others be be doing well.


  1. I agree with you on the issue of this country needing and having a strong national government. I think it is critical in this day and time in order to keep us protected from our domestic and foreign enemies. If all of the states were broken down into smaller nations with no form of national government, each individual state would be vulnerable and much easier for another nation to take over. We probably wouldn't have the peace we have living in the United States because I don't think our laws would be structured the way they are and I don't think we would have a lot of the freedoms and rights that we have now put into place by our Constitution.

  2. I think that having just a strong national government as opposed to a balance of power between the national and state governments is a dangerous way to go. We would not have the Representative Democracy that we have now creating a hostile and 'not-as-free' country. Also, I think we need to let the government control our schools, as well. There are some very poor states and some of the education systems would not be as good as others creating an imbalanced nation.

  3. I believe you hit the nail on the head about having a strong nationa government. If states had more power they would run away with the power and demand more etc ect. And with the money being distributed more loosely with the states help control a internal war more than likely between national and states. And with education I also agree considering that the government is basically like the owner and the states are the supervisors. It all works as far as the government overlooking to ensure that the states are meeting certain criteria. Great Post!!!!

  4. I disagree with education on a state by state basis, but I do agree with how the change of grants helped during the depression. Although the National power grew namely out of the peoples' need for financial aid as they had nowhere else to turn to.

  5. I disagree about the state and local government involved in education because some states cannot afford to support their education like other states could. A national government could better support the financial part of it. The national government could also set standards which could challenge each student, in this way each student would be getting the same type of education that is needed.

  6. I agree that state and local governments have a better grip on what is going on in their areas education and economy wise, but most areas honestly just don't have the funding to promote a better quality of schooling. I believe the national government, looking out for the well being of our country, has a responsibilty to help out.

  7. In my opinion I think that a strong national government can be both helpful and hurtful. I agree if an overly state ran country is not the right way. There is going to be problems between states. On the other hand, there is also going to be problem with a strong national government. I think that if national government or states is stronger than the other there are going to be resulting problems.
